Key Components of EA Strategy

Part 3 of 8

The strategic goals of executives, IT personnel, product teams, and other stakeholders come together to form an EA strategy. Some key components include the following:

  • Governance: Establishes the processes, policies, roles, and decision-making authority necessary to realize the EA strategy.
  • Methodology: Provides established frameworks and workflows to create, manage, and analyze EA artifacts consistently.
  • Technology: Facilitates the creation of the systems, infrastructure, and software needed to accomplish EA strategy goals.
  • People: Team members bring the skill sets and experience that make EA initiatives a reality.

People and processes are as important in EA strategy as the technologies they use. Likewise, the culture that arises from these core elements ultimately enables the impactful change, planning, and execution that define an EA strategy.


Jason Keys


March 11, 2024

Enterprise Architecture