Aligning Technology with Business Goals

Part 4 of 8

A sound EA strategy synchronizes advancements in technology and IT processes with the mission of the business. This alignment ensures that technology initiatives like new tech stacks or coding practices ultimately serve business goals, such as improved customer engagement, higher ROI, and expanded market share.

Here are some best practices for keeping EA strategy in sync with business goals:

  • Document business goals, requirements, and constraints.
  • Map goals to specific workflows, applications, data, and infrastructure resources.
  • Identify knowledge gaps in enterprise architecture, such as deficiencies in the information, processes, or capabilities needed to align EA strategy with business goals.
  • Implement governance for decision-making and accountability.
  • Create feedback loops to continuously improve EA strategy.

Aligning business and technology in these ways helps foster a technical culture that aligns with the wider business. In addition, understanding the strategic direction, requirements, and operational dynamics of the business leads to the formulation of an effective EA strategy.


Jason Keys


March 11, 2024

Enterprise Architecture